Friday, March 24, 2023

Visit of General Secretary.

Today met with Secretary(Posts),Director General Posts, D.D.G(P) and other Senior officers of Directorate alongwith Smt. Anjana, Sri Parmanand, Sri Devendra Sharma and Shri Amit Kumar and discussed in details the following issues:

1. Long Pending JTS DPC. 

2. Seniority List

3. APAR through SPARROW. 

4. Cadre restructuring of PS Group B cadre. 

In respect of Sl. no. 1 & 2 It has been assured that draft seniority list will be issued in next fortnight giving 15 days for representation. 

In respect of Sl. No. 3 it will be implemented from next financial year. 

In respect of Sl. No. 4 detail proposal demanded by Association.